APO Master Test Kit

API - Freshwater Master Test Kit

  • Taking a few minutes each week to maintain and monitor aquarium conditions is the key to a healthy aquarium. The FRESHWATER MASTER TEST KIT tests the parameters that affect the health of freshwater fish: pH, High Range pH, Ammonia, Nitrite and Nitrate.


  • The FRESHWATER MASTER TEST KIT is highly accurate and economical, and includes a computer calibrated, laminated color card, 4 test tubes and holding tray. The FRESHWATER MASTER TEST KIT comes with a complete, step-by-step instruction booklet, including information on how to correct unsafe water conditions.



API Ammonia Test Kit

API - Ammonia Test Kit

  • Tropical fish continually release ammonia into the aquarium through their gills, urine and solid waste. Uneaten food and decaying organic matter also add ammonia to the water. Even small amounts of ammonia stress fish; large amounts of ammonia will kill fish. Ammonia is the number one killer of tropical fish. The API® AMMONIA TEST KIT is mercury-free, salicylate test for fresh and saltwater fish. The AMMONIA TEST KIT tests ammonia levels from 0 to 8 ppm.


  • The API® AMMONIA TEST KIT includes a computer calibrated, laminated color card, 1 test tube and 2 bottles of reagent.



API GH & KH Test Kit

API - GH & KH Test Kit

  • Water hardness is a measure of the dissolved mineral content of water. There are two types: the general hardness (GH) and carbonate hardness (KH).
  • When keeping freshwater fish and plants, the GH and the KH of aquarium water should match their natural habitat. The GH & KH TEST KIT helps aquarists duplicate the natural habitat of their fish, as well as detect low KH levels, which can lead to rapid and wide pH shifts, stressing fish.
  • The GH & KH TEST KIT includes a computer calibrated, laminated color card, 2 test tubes and 2 bottles of reagent.



API Nitrite Test Kit

API - Nitrite Test Kit

  • Nitrite is produced in the aquarium by fish waste and uneaten fish food. Toxic nitrite is produced by nitrifying bacteria in the biological filter as it breaks down ammonia. Low levels of nitrite inhibit respiration and suppress the immune system; high levels cause suffocation. The NITRITE TEST KIT tests for harmful nitrite levels from 0 to 5 ppm. For use in freshwater and saltwater aquariums.
  • The API® AMMONIA TEST KIT includes a computer calibrated, laminated color card, 1 test tube and 1 bottle of reagent.




